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Academic Integrity Tutorial (MLA)


Works Cited

Havener, Kathleen B. “Cyber Insurance and Information Security.” GPSolo, vol. 34, no. 3, May 2017, pp. 48–51. EBSCOhost,,ip,uid&db=a9h&AN=123745930&site=ehost-live&scope=site.

Original passage: 
It is no surprise that law firms that obtain and maintain cyber insurance are also the most likely to have the most well-honed cybersecurity policies in place. Just as having a security alarm system installed in your home lowers your homeowner's insurance premium and an automated docketing system lowers your malpractice premium, the very process of acquiring cyber insurance increases your preparedness and decreases the likelihood of significant loss owing to security breach.

NOTE: This article does not contain page numbers, so the number of the paragraph is cited (see MLA Manual, p. 56).


Short quote: (see p. 76 of MLA Manual)

Havener's article claims "law firms that obtain and maintain cyber insurance are also the most likely to have the most well-honed cybersecurity policies in place" (Havener, par. 9).


Long quote: (see pp. 76-77 of MLA Manual)

For law firms, there are many advantages of having cyber insurance.

It is no surprise that law firms that obtain and maintain cyber insurance are also the most likely to have the most well-honed cybersecurity policies in place. Just as having a security alarm system installed in your home lowers your homeowner's insurance premium and an automated docketing system lowers your malpractice premium, the very process of acquiring cyber insurance increases your preparedness and decreases the likelihood of significant loss owing to security breach. (Havener, par. 9)

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