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Modern & Contemporary Art (13-317)

This is a course guide for the course TWENTIETH CENTURY ART (13-317).

Art Work Reproductions

Art Work Reproductions

How to find books on drawings at Owens Library
Type of Search
Search Examples
Browse the 3rd Floor Collection 741.94 call number range - Check the same call number range in the Quarto and Folio section of the 3rd Floor
Search the library catalog by subject

Human Figure in Art
Drapery In Art

Search the library catalog by keyword Copy and paste the following search into the keyword search form:
Search the library catalog by keyword, limiting to time period, country, or region

Copy and paste the following searches into the keyword search form or Ask a Librarian how to modify these searches to get a result more relevant to your needs:
drawing and renaissance

drawing and 19th
drawing and ital*
drawing and europe

Search the library catalog by keyword, limiting to a specific artist Copy and paste the following searches into the keyword search form or Ask a Librarian how to modify these searches to get a result more relevant to your needs:
drawing and michelangelo
Search all Missouri college and university libraries for books Go to the MOBIUS catalog and use the search strategies listed above. To find books about portrait drawing use the following search:
portrait drawing
Use REQUEST to have the book you want delivered to the Owens Library Services Desk in 3-5 days.
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