PreserveNet maintains and provides students and professionals of preservation with a comprehensive database of electronic resources and professional opportunities.
The Cities and Buildings Database is a collection of digital images of buildings and cities from around the world and across time. Researchers can search for images of buildings by country, city, title, architect, style, date of construction and more.
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is a federal agency committed to the preservation and use of the country's historic resources. ACHP also maintains a digital resource collection.
As part of the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services develops standards for preservation practices and renovation guidelines for historic buildings.
Preservation Programs is responsible for the preservation of national records in both physical and electronic formats. Preservation Programs also offers guidance to NARA, Presidential Libraries, and various other federal agencies on storage space design, exhibition specs and spaces, and record protection.
The State of Missouri Historic Preservation Office recently published a new, comprehensive, state preservation plan, and strives to maintain Missouri's historic buildings, sites, and heritage.