What is OpenAthens?
OpenAthens is an authentication and electronic access management platform that allows us to link our library resources to your Northwest account via single sign-on technology.
Why are we moving to OpenAthens?
- OpenAthens offers single sign-on (SSO) that will more seamlessly integrate with your campus login. Once you login you will remain logged in for the duration of your session.
- On-campus and off-campus login will be the same experience.
- Ability to login to databases directly without going through the library page
- Better account security - OpenAthens authenticates using a more secure method (SAML) than is used by the previous system (EZProxy).
- The switch to OpenAthens will make using library resources easier and more reliable and provide usage data so we can make more informed collection decisions.
When will the switch to OpenAthens happen?
The OpenAthens authenticator is working now but the switch away from ezproxy will be May 8, 2023.
Will any of my embedded urls/links or bookmarks still work?
No, the urls will all need to be updated. Delete the old ezproxy prefix https://ezproxy.nwmissouri.edu:2048/login?url= and paste the rest of your url in the OpenAthens Link Generator to get the updated link. For complete instructions see the other tabs in this guide.
Can I just swap out prefixes?
No. Due to the differences in the computer languages swapping out the old exproxy prefix for the new OpenAthens prefix will not work. For databases that provide permalinks/persistent links such as EBSCO and SAGE, you will need to use the new link provided within the database. For other databases, you must paste your url into the OpenAthens Link Generator and use the new link provided.
Where else will my login work?
Many database providers integrate directly with OpenAthens. Look for the OpenAthens login option and search for Northwest Missouri State University in the box provided.
Where can I get help?
Reach out to us via chat, email, or by appointment.